Global communication has promoted globalization in the past ten years drastically by changing the global network between countries through communication. Countries gain knowledge through Internet and media. Due to global communication, countries are able to gain knowledge on different cultures. Organizations like United Nations are an example of how countries are starting to work together politically. Before technology became increasingly easy, communication was hindered between countries because of distance, time, and language. "Global communication is the process of transmitting and receiving on a world-wide scale, and has promoted the globalization on social, cultural, and political levels." (Dickson, 2004)
Globalization as been highly promoted on a social level. In the past, it wasn't always easy for countries to communicate due to distance, time and language. They didn't have the technology that we have today. Distance and time was definitely a problem for countries to communicate before technology became what it is today. Language caused a barrier because not everyone knew the other countries languages. Language today isn't as much of a barrier because we have certain people that translate, and people are becoming aware and beginning to learn more languages. Technology has become a faster way to communicate, by e-mail and Internet. Due to technology our world is getting smaller. We can learn anything and everything just by a click of a button.
One way that globalization have been affected on a cultural level is by having an increased knowledge about other cultures. We are more aware about other cultures and learn to respect them. With media and technology, we have more knowledge about what is happening over the world. Since we have access to Internet and media, learning and understanding other cultures is easy to accomplish. Countries are finding it important to learn more about other cultures and not be close minded. Individuals are able to fly to a different country quickly and easily. Being able to accomplish this, gives people the experience and learning of other countries and their culture.
Politically, globalization has been affected due to organizations, media, and Internet. Countries are working together and forming organizations like United Nations and the Mercy Corps. These organizations were created so that countries could control "international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace." (Wikipedia, 2010) Another organization is the Mercy Corps which is a "global aid agency engaged in transitional environments that have experience some sort of shock: natural disaster, economic collapse, or conflict." (Wikipedia, 2010) Due to technology, we have an understanding of what other countries are doing politically. We have access to media and Internet, which allows us to learn about events that happen quickly.
In conclusion, global communication has promoted globalization in the past ten years increasingly fast. Globalization has become easier to accomplish because of Internet and media. Globally, countries are not hindered anymore by distance, time and language. Globalization has been affected on a social, cultural, and political level. 9-16-10 9-9-10 Belinda Dickson 9-9-10 9-9-10 9-16-10
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